Cleaning in Between C lients
At JP's Massage we are now disinfecting all surfaces in our treatment rooms, waiting area and bathroom in between clients.
This includes but is not limited to: Massage table and face cradle, chairs, door handles, computer desks, keyboards, pens, clipboards, and bathroom.
Plus at the end of the day we are vacuuming the entire studio.

Hand Sanitizer
Now, Hand Sanitizer is available in all massage rooms as well as the waiting area.
PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

Update 10-10-2022
Face masks are now optional for Therapists and clients. However, if you want, you can ask your therapist to please use a face mask during your Massage.
Therapists stopped using eye protection, gloves and aprons for the time being.
Air Purifier

At JP's Massage we now have an Air purifier in each treatment room.
These air purifiers are equipped with a HEPA filter, which helps capture large, medium and small droplets, hence minimizing the chance of spreading the virus.

Vaccuming Carpets every day
We will continue to vacuum every evening our entire office.
UV Smartphone Sanitizer

In light of this virus stress, we at JP's Massage, wanted to help you feel even more relax by helping you sanitize (and charge) your phone while you get your massage.
Each treatment room is now equipped with an UV light Smart phone Sanitizer. You just put your cell phone inside the case and it will be fully sanitize in 20mins!